Important Utils Function

Mantis stores the scan results in a MongoDB database. Therefore, when integrating a new scanner, you will also need to query/push data to/from MongoDB.

To make this process easier, we have developed utility functions that interact with the database, keeping your new scanner integration simple..

The under mantis/utils consists of functions that will help you fetch information required for your new scanner as well help you push the data into mongoDB.

Read Data

Get Basic Assets Data

When you are integrating a new scanner, in the context of recon automation, your will need to pass one of the inputs to your new scanner:

  • Top Level Domains (TLDs)
  • IPs
  • Sub Domains

Location: mantis/utils/tool_utils
Function Name: async def get_assets_grouped_by_type(args, asset_type)

Get TLDs: self.assets = await get_assets_grouped_by_type(args, "TLD")
Get Subdomains: self.assets = await get_assets_grouped_by_type(args, "subdomains")
Get IPs: self.assets = await get_assets_grouped_by_type(args, "ip")

Thats it, its that simple !!

Insert Data

Again, when you are integrating a new scanner, once the scan is complete, you will need insert the results into mongodb database

Location: mantis/utils/crud_utils

Insert Assets: async def insert_assets(assets: list, source='external')
Update Assets: async def update_asset(asset: str, org: str, tool_output_dict: dict):
Insert Findings: async def insert_findings(obj, asset: str, findings: list):

⏭️ Now that we are aware about utility functions that will make data insertion and extration simpler. Let's now take a quick look at the database Models for Assets and Findings.