Scheduler Configuration

Mantis also lets you schedule scans, this scheduler option is present in in the workflow config itself.


Example 1

Setup default workflow module to be run everyday at 9AM.

INFO 💡 - Schedule key words are based on Python Rocketery Framework

  - workflowName: 'default'
    schedule: 'daily between 09:00 and 11:00'
    cmd: ['python3 -o org_name -f org-tlds.txt --ignore_stale --stale']
      - moduleName : Route53
        tools: ['Route53'] 
        order: 1
      - moduleName : discovery
        tools: ['Subfinder', 'SSLMate'] 
        order: 1
      - moduleName: prerecon
        tools: ['FindCDN', 'Naabu', 'IPinfo'] 
        order: 2
      - moduleName: activehostscan
        tools: ['HTTPX_Tech', 'HTTPX']
        order: 3
      - moduleName: activerecon
        tools: ['Wafw00f']
        order: 4
      - moduleName: scan
        tools: [ 'DNSTwister', 'Csper', 'Nuclei', 'NucleiRecon']
        order: 5
      - moduleName: secretscanner
        tools: ['SecretScanner']
        order: 6

  • Created a new config discovery_workflow that only runs discovery module
  • Set the schedule parameter to daily at 9:00

Example 2

Setup discovery module to be run everyday at 11AM.

  - workflowName: 'discovery_workflow'
    schedule: 'daily between 11:00 and 14:00'
    cmd: ['python3 -o org_name -f org-tlds.txt -w discovery_workflow']
      - moduleName : discovery
        tools: ['Subfinder', 'SSLMate'] 
        order: 1

  • Created a new config discovery_workflow that only runs discovery module
  • Set the schedule parameter to daily at 9:00