Understanding Scan Efficiency

product security teams bug bounty hunters

🤔 Use-Case

I want to:

  • understand whether my scans succeeded or failed
  • determine the time taken for the scans

😃 Feature

Mantis provides you with efficient scan statistics at a granular level, including the following:

  • Total scan time and efficiency
  • Module level scan time and efficiency
  • Success or Failure status for each asset

The Efficiency is calcuated based on the success/failure rates

Scan Efficiency

Post scan, Mantis outputs a file which is present in {mantis_dir}/logs/scan_efficiency/, which provides you with the scan metadata.

Success Scenario

    "module_name": "PRERECON",
    "module_start_time": "524109.441001708",
    "module_end_time": "524288.824489208",
    "module_time_taken": "0:02:59",
    "module_tool_logs": [
            "tool_name": "FindCDN",
            "success": 1,
            "failure": 0,
            "code": 0,
            "command": "findcdn list example.in -o /tmp/7917f79d-8b06-4727-8953-dcf5c84efde6.json -v",
            "errors": null,
            "exception": null,
            "tool_time_taken": "0:02:59"

The above stats clearly states:

  • the python subprocess exit code was 0, indicating success (warning - this depends on how efficiently the tool handles exit codes as well)
  • the scan for a particular asset example.com was successful
  • the total time taken to run subfinder on that asset

Failure Scenario

    "module_name": "DISCOVERY",
    "module_start_time": "525058.566098541",
    "module_end_time": "525059.556518666",
    "module_time_taken": "0:00:01",
    "module_tool_logs": [
            "tool_name": "Subfinder",
            "success": 0,
            "failure": 1,
            "code": 2,
            "command": "subfinder -te -d example.com -o /tmp/de4c5987-d4fe-46f9-89ef-f19af67cd1d0.txt",
            "errors": null,
            "exception": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/de4c5987-d4fe-46f9-89ef-f19af67cd1d0.txt'",
            "tool_time_taken": "0:00:00"

The above stats clearly states:

  • the python subprocess exit code with a non-zero exit code (2), indicating failure
  • the scan for a particular asset example.com was a failure, this is because a wrong subfinder command was passed