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Log Related APIs

Get list if log files

Application GET /apis/v1/logfiles/applications/{appId}/{instanceId}/list

Task GET /apis/v1/logfiles/tasks/{sourceAppName}/{taskId}/list


curl --location 'http://drove.local:7000/apis/v1/logfiles/applications/TEST_APP-1/AI-5efbb94f-835c-4c62-a073-a68437e60339/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='


    "files": [

Download Log Files

Application GET /apis/v1/logfiles/applications/{appId}/{instanceId}/download/{fileName}

Task GET /apis/v1/logfiles/tasks/{sourceAppName}/{taskId}/download/{fileName}


curl --location 'http://drove.local:7000/apis/v1/logfiles/applications/TEST_APP-1/AI-5efbb94f-835c-4c62-a073-a68437e60339/download/output.log' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='



The Content-Disposition header is set properly to the actual filename. For the above example it would be set to attachment; filename=output.log.

Read chunks from log

Application GET /apis/v1/logfiles/applications/{appId}/{instanceId}/read/{fileName}

Task GET /apis/v1/logfiles/tasks/{sourceAppName}/{taskId}/read/{fileName}

Query Parameter Validation Description
offset Default -1, should be positive number The offset of the file to read from.
length Should be a positive number Number of bytes to read.


curl --location 'http://drove.local:7000/apis/v1/logfiles/applications/TEST_APP-1/AI-5efbb94f-835c-4c62-a073-a68437e60339/read/output.log' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='


    "data": "", //(1)!
    "offset": 43318 //(2)!

  1. Will contain raw data or empty string (in case of first call)
  2. Offset to be passed in the next call

How to tail logs

  1. Have a fixed buffer size in ming 1024/4096 etc
  2. Make a call to /read api with offset=-1, length = buffer size
  3. The call will return no data, but will have a valid offset
  4. Pass this offset in the next call, data will be returned if available (or empty). The response will also return the offset to pass in the .ext call.
  5. The data returned might be empty or less than length depending on availability.
  6. Keep repeating (4) to keep tailing log


  • Offset = 0 means start of the file
  • First call must be -1 for tail type functionality