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Application Specification

An application is defined using JSON. We use a sample configuration below to explain the options.

Sample Application Definition

    "name": "TEST_APP", // (1)!
    "version": "1", // (2)!
    "type": "SERVICE", // (3)!
    "executable": { //(4)!
        "type": "DOCKER", // (5)!
        "url": "",// (6)!
        "dockerPullTimeout": "100 seconds"// (7)!
    "resources": [//(20)!
            "type": "CPU",
            "count": 1//(21)!
            "type": "MEMORY",
            "sizeInMB": 128//(22)!
    "volumes": [//(12)!
            "pathInContainer": "/data",//(13)!
            "pathOnHost": "/mnt/datavol",//(14)!
            "mode" : "READ_WRITE"//(15)!
    "configs" : [//(16)!
            "type" : "INLINE",//(17)!
            "localFilename": "/testfiles/drove.txt",//(18)!
            "data" : "RHJvdmUgdGVzdA=="//(19)!
    "placementPolicy": {//(23)!
        "type": "ANY"//(24)!
    "exposedPorts": [//(8)!
            "name": "main",//(9)!
            "port": 8000,//(10)!
            "type": "HTTP"//(11)!
    "healthcheck": {//(25)!
        "mode": {//(26)!
            "type": "HTTP", //(27)!
            "protocol": "HTTP",//(28)!
            "portName": "main",//(29)!
            "path": "/",//(30)!
            "verb": "GET",//(31)!
            "successCodes": [//(32)!
            "payload": "", //(33)!
            "connectionTimeout": "1 second" //(34)!
        "timeout": "1 second",//(35)!
        "interval": "5 seconds",//(36)!
        "attempts": 3,//(37)!
        "initialDelay": "0 seconds"//(38)!
    "readiness": {//(39)!
        "mode": {
            "type": "HTTP",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "portName": "main",
            "path": "/",
            "verb": "GET",
            "successCodes": [
            "payload": "",
            "connectionTimeout": "1 second"
        "timeout": "1 second",
        "interval": "3 seconds",
        "attempts": 3,
        "initialDelay": "0 seconds"
    "exposureSpec": {//(42)!
        "vhost": "testapp.local", //(43)!
        "portName": "main", //(44)!
        "mode": "ALL"//(45)!
    "env": {//(41)!
        "CORES": "8"
    "args" : [//(54)!
    "tags": { //(40)!
        "superSpecialApp": "yes_i_am",
        "say_my_name": "heisenberg"
    "preShutdown": {//(46)!
        "hooks": [ //(47)!
                "type": "HTTP",
                "protocol": "HTTP",
                "portName": "main",
                "path": "/",
                "verb": "GET",
                "successCodes": [
                "payload": "",
                "connectionTimeout": "1 second"
        "waitBeforeKill": "3 seconds"//(48)!
    "logging": {//(49)!
        "type": "LOCAL",//(50)!
        "maxSize": "100m",//(51)!
        "maxFiles": 3,//(52)!
        "compress": true//(53)!
  1. A human readable name for the application. This will remain constant for different versions of the app.
  2. A version number. Drove does not enforce any format for this, but it is recommended to increment this for changes in spec.
  3. This should be fixed to SERVICE for an application/service.
  4. Coordinates for the executable. Refer to Executable Specification for details.
  5. Right now the only type supported is DOCKER.
  6. Docker container address
  7. Timeout for container pull.
  8. The ports to be exposed from the container.
  9. A logical name for the port. This will be used to reference this port in other sections.
  10. Actual port number as mentioned in Dockerfile.
  11. Type of port. Can be: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP.
  12. Volumes to be mounted. Refer to Volume Specification for details.
  13. Path that will be visible inside the container for this mount.
  14. Actual path on the host machine for the mount.
  15. Mount mode can be READ_WRITE and READ_ONLY
  16. Configuration to be injected as file inside the container. Please refer to Config Specification for details.
  17. Type of config. Can be INLINE, EXECUTOR_LOCAL_FILE, CONTROLLER_HTTP_FETCH and EXECUTOR_HTTP_FETCH. Specifies how drove will get the contents to be injected..
  18. File name for the config inside the container.
  19. Serialized form of the data, this and other parameters will vary according to the type specified above.
  20. List of resources required to run this application. Check Resource Requirements Specification for more details.
  21. Number of CPU cores to be allocated.
  22. Amount of memory to be allocated expressed in Megabytes
  23. Specifies how the container will be placed on the cluster. Check Placement Policy for details.
  24. Type of placement can be ANY, ONE_PER_HOST, MATCH_TAG, NO_TAG, RULE_BASED, ANY and COMPOSITE. Rest of the parameters in this section will depend on the type.
  25. Health check to ensure service is running fine. Refer to Check Specification for details.
  26. Mode of health check, can be api call or command.
  27. Type of this check spec. Type can be HTTP or CMD. Rest of the options in this example are HTTP specific.
  28. API call protocol. Can be HTTP/HTTPS
  29. Port name as mentioned in the exposedPorts section.
  30. HTTP path. Include query params here.
  31. HTTP method. Can be GET,PUT or POST.
  32. Set of HTTP status codes which can be considered as success.
  33. Payload to be sent for POST and PUT calls.
  34. Connection timeout for the port.
  35. Timeout for the check run.
  36. Interval between check runs.
  37. Max attempts after which the overall check is considered to be a failure.
  38. Time to wait before starting check runs.
  39. Readiness check to pass for the container to be considered as ready. Refer to Check Specification for details.
  40. Key value metadata that can be used in external systems.
  41. Custom environment variables. Additional variables are injected by Drove as well. See Environment Variables section for details.
  42. Specifies the virtual host on which this container is exposed.
  43. FQDN for the virtual host.
  44. Port name as specified in exposedPorts section.
  45. Mode for exposure. Set this to ALL for now.
  46. Things to do before a container is shutdown. Check Pre Shutdown Behavior for more details.
  47. Hooks (HTTP api call or shell command) to run before shutting down the container. Format is same as health/readiness checks. Refer to HTTP Check Actions and Command Check Options for details.
  48. Time to wait before killing the container. The container will be in UNREADY state during this time and hence won't have api calls routed to it via Drove Gateway.
  49. Specify how docker log files are configured. Refer to Logging Specification
  50. Log to local file
  51. Maximum File Size
  52. Number of latest log files to retain
  53. Log files will be compressed
  54. List of command line arguments. See Command Line Arguments for details.

Executable Specification

Right now Drove supports only docker containers. However as engines, both docker and podman are supported. Drove executors will fetch the executable directly from the registry based on the configuration provided.

Name Option Description
Type type Set type to DOCKER.
URL url Docker container URL`.
Timeout dockerPullTimeout Timeout for docker image pull.


Drove supports docker registry authentication. This can be configured in the executor configuration file.

Resource Requirements Specification

This section specifies the hardware resources required to run the container. Right now only CPU and MEMORY are supported as resource types that can be reserved for a container.

CPU Requirements

Specifies number of cores to be assigned to the container.

Name Option Description
Type type Set type to CPU for this.
Count count Number of cores to be assigned.

Memory Requirements

Specifies amount of memory to be allocated to a container.

Name Option Description
Type type Set type to MEMORY for this.
Count sizeInMB Amount of memory (in Mega Bytes) to be allocated.


        "type": "CPU",
        "count": 1
        "type": "MEMORY",
        "sizeInMB": 128


Both CPU and MEMORY configurations are mandatory.

Volume Specification

Files and directories can be mounted from the executor host into the container. The volumes section contains a list of volumes that need to be mounted.

Name Option Description
Path In Container pathInContainer Path that will be visible inside the container for this mount.
Path On Host pathOnHost Actual path on the host machine for the mount.
Mount Mode mode Mount mode can be READ_WRITE and READ_ONLY to allow the containerized process to write or read to the volume.


We do not support mounting remote volumes as of now.

Config Specification

Drove supports injection of configuration files into containers. The specifications for the same are discussed below.

Inline config

Inline configuration can be added in the Application Specification itself. This will manifest as a file inside the container.

The following details are needed for this:

Name Option Description
Type type Set the value to INLINE
Local Filename localFilename File name for the config inside the container.
Data data Base64 encoded string for the data. The value for this will be masked on UI.

Config file:

port: 8080
logLevel: DEBUG
Corresponding config specification:
    "type" : "INLINE",
    "localFilename" : "/config/service.yml",
    "data" : "cG9ydDogODA4MApsb2dMZXZlbDogREVCVUcK"


The full base 64 encoded config data will get stored in Drove ZK and will be pushed to executors inline. It is not recommended to stream large config files to containers using this method. This will probably need additional configuration on your ZK cluster.

Locally loaded config

Config file from a path on the executor directly. Such files can be distributed to the executor host using existing configuration management systems such as OpenTofu, Salt etc.

The following details are needed for this:

Name Option Description
Type type Set the value to EXECUTOR_LOCAL_FILE
Local Filename localFilename File name for the config inside the container.
File path filePathOnHost Path to the config file on executor host.

Sample config specification:

    "type" : "EXECUTOR_LOCAL_FILE",
    "localFilename" : "/config/service.yml",
    "data" : "/mnt/configs/myservice/config.yml"

Controller fetched Config

Config file can be fetched from a remote server by the controller. Once fetched, these will be streamed to the executor as part of the instance specification for starting a container.

The following details are needed for this:

Name Option Description
Type type Set the value to CONTROLLER_HTTP_FETCH
Local Filename localFilename File name for the config inside the container.
HTTP Call Details http HTTP Call related details. Please refer to HTTP Call Specification for details.

Sample config specification:

    "localFilename" : "/config/service.yml",
    "http" : {
        "protocol" : "HTTP",
        "hostname" : "",
        "port" : 8080,
        "path" : "/configs/myapp",
        "username" : "appuser",
        "password" : "secretpassword"


The controller will make an API call for every single time it asks an executor to spin up a container. Please make sure to account for this in your configuration management system.

Executor fetched Config

Config file can be fetched from a remote server by the executor before spinning up a container. Once fetched, the payload will be injected as a config file into the container.

The following details are needed for this:

Name Option Description
Type type Set the value to EXECUTOR_HTTP_FETCH
Local Filename localFilename File name for the config inside the container.
HTTP Call Details http HTTP Call related details. Please refer to HTTP Call Specification for details.

Sample config specification:

    "type" : "EXECUTOR_HTTP_FETCH",
    "localFilename" : "/config/service.yml",
    "http" : {
        "protocol" : "HTTP",
        "hostname" : "",
        "port" : 8080,
        "path" : "/configs/myapp",
        "username" : "appuser",
        "password" : "secretpassword"


All executors will make an API call for every single time they spin up a container for this application. Please make sure to account for this in your configuration management system.

HTTP Call Specification

This section details the options that can set when making http calls to a configuration management system from controllers or executors.

The following options are available for HTTP call:

Name Option Description
Protocol protocol Protocol to use for upstream call. Can be HTTP or HTTPS.
Hostname hostname Host to call.
Port port Provide custom port. Defaults to 80 for http and 443 for https.
API Path path Path component of the URL. Include query parameters here. Defaults to /
HTTP Method verb Type of call, use GET, POST or PUT. Defaults to GET.
Success Code successCodes List of HTTP status codes which is considered as success. Defaults to [200]
Payload payload Data to be used for POST and PUT calls
Connection Timeout connectionTimeout Timeout for upstream connection.
Operation timeout operationTimeout Timeout for actual operation.
Username username Username to be used basic auth. This field is masked out on the UI.
Password password Password to be used for basic auth. This field is masked on the UI.
Authorization Header authHeader Data to be passed in HTTP Authorization header. This field is masked on the UI.
Additional Headers headers Any other headers to be passed to the upstream in the HTTP calls. This is a map of
Skip SSL Checks insecure Skip hostname and certification checks during SSL handshake with the upstream.

Placement Policy Specification

Placement policy governs how Drove deploys containers on the cluster. The following sections discuss the different placement policies available and how they can be configured to achieve optimal placement of containers.


All policies will work only at a {appName, version} combination level. They will not ensure constraints at an appName level. This means that for somethinge like a one per node placement, for the same appName, multiple containers can run on the same host if multiple deployments with different versions are active in a cluster. Same applies for all policies like N per host and so on.

Important details about executor tagging

  • All hosts have at-least one tag, it's own hostname.
  • The TAG policy will consider them as valid tags. This can be used to place containers on specific hosts if needed.
  • This is handled specially in all other policy types and they will consider executors having only the hostname tag as untagged.
  • A host with a tag (other than host) will not have any containers running if not placed on them specifically using the MATCH_TAG policy

Any Placement

Containers for a {appName, version} combination can run on any un-tagged executor host.

Name Option Description
Policy Type type Put ANY as policy.


    "type" : "ANY"


For most use-cases this is the placement policy to use.

One Per Host Placement

Ensures that only one container for a particular {appName, version} combination is running on an executor host at a time.

Name Option Description
Policy Type type Put ONE_PER_HOST as policy.


    "type" : "ONE_PER_HOST"

Max N Per Host Placement

Ensures that at most N containers for a {appName, version} combination is running on an executor host at a time.

Name Option Description
Policy Type type Put MAX_N_PER_HOST as policy.
Max count max The maximum num of containers that can run on an executor. Range: 1-64


    "type" : "MAX_N_PER_HOST",
    "max": 3

Match Tag Placement

Ensures that containers for a {appName, version} combination are running on an executor host that has the tags as mentioned in the policy.

Name Option Description
Policy Type type Put MATCH_TAG as policy.
Max count tag The tag to match.


    "type" : "MATCH_TAG",
    "tag": "gpu_enabled"

No Tag Placement

Ensures that containers for a {appName, version} combination are running on an executor host that has no tags.

Name Option Description
Policy Type type Put NO_TAG as policy.


    "type" : "NO_TAG"


The NO_TAG policy is mostly for internal use, and does not need to be specified when deploying containers that do not need any special placement logic.

Composite Policy Based Placement

Composite policy can be used to combine policies together to create complicated placement requirements.

Name Option Description
Policy Type type Put COMPOSITE as policy.
Polices policies List of policies to combine
Combiner combiner Can be AND and OR and signify all-match and any-match logic on the policies mentioned.


    "type" : "COMPOSITE",
    "policies": [
            "type": "ONE_PER_HOST"
            "type": "MATH_TAG",
            "tag": "gpu_enabled"
    "combiner" : "AND"
The above policy will ensure that only one container of the relevant {appName,version} will run on GPU enabled machines.


It is easy to go into situations where no executors match complicated placement policies. Internally, we tend to keep things rather simple and use the ANY placement for most cases and maybe tags in a few places with over-provisioning or for hosts having special hardware 🙂

Environment variables

This config can be used to inject custom environment variables to containers. The values are defined as part of deployment specification, are same across the cluster and immutable to modifications from inside the container (ie any overrides from inside the container will not be visible across the cluster).


    "MY_VARIABLE_1": "fizz",
    "MY_VARIABLE_2": "buzz"

The following environment variables are injected by Drove to all containers:

Variable Name Value
HOST Hostname where the container is running. This is for marathon compatibility.
PORT_PORT_NUMBER A variable for every port specified in exposedPorts section. The value is the actual port on the host, the specified port is mapped to. For example if ports 8080 and 8081 are specified, two variables called PORT_8080 and PORT_8081 will be injected.
DROVE_EXECUTOR_HOST Hostname where container is running.
DROVE_CONTAINER_ID Container that is deployed
DROVE_APP_NAME App name as specified in the Application Specification
DROVE_INSTANCE_ID Actual instance ID generated by Drove
DROVE_APP_ID Application ID as generated by Drove
DROVE_APP_INSTANCE_AUTH_TOKEN A JWT string generated by Drove that can be used by this container to call /apis/v1/internal/... apis.


Do not pass secrets using environment variables. These variables are all visible on the UI as is. Please use Configs to inject secrets files and so on.

Command line arguments

A list of command line arguments that are sent to the container engine to execute inside the container. This is provides ways for you to configure your container behaviour based off such arguments. Please refer to docker documentation for details.


This might have security implications from a system point of view. As such Drove provides administrators a way to disable passing arguments at the cluster level by setting disableCmdlArgs to true in the controller configuration.

Check Specification

One of the cornerstones of managing applications on the cluster is to ensure we keep track of instance health and manage their life cycle depending on their health state. We need to define how to monitor health for containers accordingly. The checks will be executed on Applications and a Check result is generated. The result consists of the following:

  • Status - Healthy, Unhealthy or Stopped if the container is already in stopping state
  • Message - Any error message as generated by a specific checker

Common Options

Name Option Description
Mode mode The definition of a HTTP call or a Command to be executed in the container. See following sections for details.
Timeout timeout Duration for which we wait before declaring a check as failed
Interval interval Interval at which check will be retried
Attempts attempts Number of times a check is retried before it is declared as a failure
Initial Delay initialDelay Delay before executing the check for the first time.


initialDelay is ignored when readiness checks and health checks are run in the recovery path as the container is already running at that point in time.

HTTP Check Options

Name Option Description
Type type Fixed to HTTP for HTTP checker
Protocol protocol HTTP or HTTPS call to be made
Port Name portName The name of the container port to make the http call on as specified in the Exposed Ports section in Application Spec
Path path The api path to call
HTTP method verb The HTTP Verb/Method to invoke. GET/PUT and POST are supported here
Success Codes successCodes A set of HTTP status codes that we should consider as a success from this API.
Payload payload A string payload that we can pass if the Verb is POST or PUT
Connection Timeout connectionTimeout Maximum time for which the checker will wait for the connection to be set up with the container.
Insecure insecure Skip hostname and certificate checks for HTTPS ports during checks.

Command Check Options

Field Option Description
Type type Fixed to CMD for command checker
Command command Command to execute in the container. (Equivalent to docker exec -it <container> command>)

Exposure Specification

Exposure spec is used to specify the virtual host Drove Gateway exposes to outside world for communication with the containers.

The following information needs to be specified:

Name Option Description
Virtual Host vhost The virtual host to be exposed on NGinx. This should be a fully qualified domain name.
Port Name portName The portname to be exposed on the vhost. Port names are defined in exposedPorts section.
Exposure Mode mode Use ALL here for now. Signifies that all healthy instances of the app are exposed to traffic.


    "vhost": "teastapp.mydomain",
    "port": "main",
    "mode": "ALL"


Application instances in any state other than HEALTHY are not considered for exposure. Please check Application Instance State Machine for an understanding of states of instances.

Configuring Pre Shutdown Behaviour

Before a container is shut down, it is desirable to ensure things are spun down properly. This behaviour can be configured in the preShutdown section of the configuration.

Name Option Description
Hooks hooks List of api calls and commands to be run on the container before it is killed. Each hook is either a HTTP Call Spec or Command Spec
Wait Time waitBeforeKill Time to wait before killing the container.


    "hooks": [
            "type": "HTTP",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "portName": "main",
            "path": "/",
            "verb": "GET",
            "successCodes": [
            "payload": "",
            "connectionTimeout": "1 second"
    "waitBeforeKill": "3 seconds"//(48)!


The waitBeforeKill timed wait kicks in after all the hooks have been executed.

Logging Specification

Can be used to configure how container logs are managed on the system.


This section affects the docker log driver. Drove will continue to stream logs to it's own logger which can be configured at executor level through the executor configuration file.

Local Logger configuration

This is used to configure the json-file log driver.

Name Option Description
Type type Set the value to LOCAL
Max Size maxSize Maximum file size. Anything bigger than this will lead to rotation.
Max Files maxFiles Maximum number of logs files to keep. Range: 1-100
Compress compress Enable log file compression.


If logging section is omitted, the following configuration is applied by default: - File size: 10m - Number of files: 3 - Compression: on

Rsyslog configuration

In case suers want to stream logs to an rsyslog server, the logging configuration needs to be set to RSYSLOG mode.

Name Option Description
Type type Set the value to RSYSLOG
Server server URL for the rsyslog server.
Tag Prefix tagPrefix Prefix to add at the start of a tag
Tag Suffix tagSuffix Suffix to add at the en of a tag.


The default tag is the DROVE_INSTANCE_ID. The tagPrefix and tagSuffix will to before and after this