Setting up Controllers¶
Controllers are the brains of Drove cluster. For HA, at least 2 controllers should be set up.
Please note the following behaviour about controllers:
- Only one controller is leader at a time. A leader controller does not relinquish control till the process is stopped or dies
- A controller process will die when it loses connectivity to Zookeeper
- The process/container for controller should keep restarting till it gets connectivity
- All decisions for the cluster are taken by the leader controller only
- During maintenance and package upgrades etc, it is better to roll changes out on non-leaders first and then do the leader at the end
- The controller process holds all metadata about the cluster, the current states and other information in memory.
- Some of this information is backed by Zookeeper based storage layer
- The other information is recreated dynamically based on updates from executors
- Controllers being down does not affect running containers on executors
Controller Configuration File Reference¶
The Drove Controller is written on the Dropwizard framework. The configuration to the service is set using a YAML file which needs to be injected into the container. A typical controller configuration file will look like the following:
server: #(1)!
applicationConnectors: #(2)!
- type: http
port: 4000
adminConnectors: #(3)!
- type: http
port: 4001
applicationContextPath: / #(4)!
requestLog: #(5)!
- type: console
- type: file
currentLogFilename: /logs/drove-controller-access.log
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /logs/drove-controller-access.log-%d-%i
archivedFileCount: 3
maxFileSize: 100MiB
logging: #(6)!
level: INFO
com.phonepe.drove: ${DROVE_LOG_LEVEL}
- type: console #(7)!
threshold: ALL
logFormat: "%(%-5level) [%date] [%logger{0} - %X{appId}] %message%n"
- type: file #(8)!
threshold: ALL
currentLogFilename: /logs/drove-controller.log
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /logs/drove-controller.log-%d-%i
archivedFileCount: 3
maxFileSize: 100MiB
logFormat: "%(%-5level) [%date] [%logger{0} - %X{appId}] %message%n"
archive: true
zookeeper: #(9)!
connectionString: ${ZK_CONNECTION_STRING}
clusterAuth: #(10)!
- nodeType: CONTROLLER
- nodeType: EXECUTOR
userAuth: #(11)!
enabled: true
- username: admin
- username: guest
instanceAuth: #(12)!
options: #(13)!
maxStaleInstancesCount: 3
staleCheckInterval: 1m
staleAppAge: 1d
staleInstanceAge: 18h
staleTaskAge: 1d
clusterOpParallelism: 4
- Server listener configuration. See Dropwizard Server Configuration for the different options.
- Main port configuration. This is where the UI and APIs will be exposed. Check connector configuration docs for details.
- Admin port. You can take thread dumps, metrics, run healthchecks on the Drove controller on this port.
- Base path for UI. Keep this as is.
- Access logs configuration. See
docs. - Main logging configuration. See logging docs.
- Log to console. Useful in docker-compose.
- Log to rotating files. Useful for running servers.
- Configure how to connect to Zookeeper See Zookeeper Config for details.
- Configuration for authentication between nodes in the cluster. Please check intra node auth config for details.
- Configure user authentication to access the cluster. Please check User auth config for details.
- Signing secret for JWT to be embedded in application and task instances. Check Instance auth config for details.
- Special options to configure controller behaviour. See Controller Options for details.
In case you do not want to expose admin apis to outside the host, please set bindHost
in the admin connectors section.
- type: http
port: 10001
Zookeeper Connection Configuration¶
The following details can be configured.
Name | Option | Description |
Connection String | connectionString |
The connection string of the form: zkserver:2181,zkserver2:2181... |
Data namespace | namespace |
The top level node inside which all Drove data will be scoped. Defaults to drove if not set. |
connectionString: ",,"
namespace: drovetest
Intra Node Authentication Configuration¶
Communication between controller and executor is protected by a shared-secret based authentication. The following configuration is meant to configure this. This section consists of a list of 2 members:
- Config for controller to talk to executors
- Config for executors to talk to controller
Each section consists of the following:
Name | Option | Description |
Node Type | nodeType |
Type of node in the cluster. Can be CONTROLLER or EXECUTOR |
Secret | secret |
The actual secret to be passed. |
- nodeType: CONTROLLER
secret: ControllerSecretValue
- nodeType: EXECUTOR
secret: ExecutorSecret
The values are passed in the header as is. Please manage the config file ownership to ensure that the files are not world readable.
You can use pwgen -s 32
to generate secure random strings for usage as secrets.
User Authentication Configuration¶
This section is used to configure user details for human and other systems that need to call Drove APIs or access the Drove UI. This is implemented using basic auth.
The configuration consists of:
Name | Option | Description |
Enabled | enabled |
Enable basic auth for the cluster |
Encoding | encoding |
The actual encoding of the password. Can be PLAIN or CRYPT |
Caching | cachingPolicy |
Caching policy for the authentication and authorization of the user. Please check CaffeineSpec docs for more details. Set to maximumSize=500, expireAfterAccess=30m by default |
List of users | users |
A list of users recognized by the system |
Each entry in the user list consists of:
Name | Option | Description |
User Name | username |
The actual login username |
Password | password |
The password for the user. Needs to be set to bcrypt string of the actual password if encoding is set to CRYPT in the parent section. |
User Role | role |
The role of the user in the cluster. Can be EXTERNAL_READ_WRITE for users who have both read and write permissions or EXTERNAL_READ_ONLY for users with read-only permissions. |
enabled: true
encoding: CRYPT
- username: admin
password: "$2y$10$pfGnPkYrJEGzasvVNPjRu.IJldV9TDa0Vh.u1UdimILWDuhvapc2O"
- username: guest
password: "$2y$10$uCJ7WxIvd13C.1oOTs28p.xpJShGiTWuDLY/sGH9JE8nrkSGBFkc6"
- username: noread
password: "$2y$10$8mr/zXL5rMW/s/jlBcgXHu0UvyzfdDDvyc.etfuoR.991sn9UOX/K"
No authentication
To configure a cluster without authentication, remove this section entirely.
Operator role
If role
is not set, the user will be able to access the UI, but will not have access to application logs. This comes in handy to provide access to other teams to explore your deployment topology, but not get access to your logs that might contain sensitive information.
Password Hashing
We strongly recommend using bcrypt passwords for authentication. You can use the following command to generate hashed password strings:
htpasswd -nbBC 10 <username> <password>|cut -d ':' -f2
Instance Authentication Configuration¶
All application and task instances, get access to an unique JWT that is injected into it by Drove as the environment variable DROVE_APP_INSTANCE_AUTH_TOKEN
. This token is signed using a secret. This secret can be configured by setting the secret
parameter in the instanceAuth
secret: RandomSecret
Controller Options¶
The following options can be set to influence the behavior of the Drove cluster and the controller.
Name | Option | Description |
Stale Check Interval | staleCheckInterval |
Interval at which Drove checks for stale application and task metadata for cleanup. Defaults to 1 hour. Expressed in duration. |
Stale App Age | staleAppAge |
Apps in MONITORING state are cleaned up after some time by Drove. This variable can be used to control the max time for which such apps are maintained in the cluster. Defaults to 7 days. Expressed in duration. |
Stale App Instances Count | maxStaleInstancesCount |
Maximum number of application instances metadata for stopped or lost instances to be maintained in the cluster. Defaults to 100. |
Stale Instance Age | staleInstanceAge |
Maximum age for a stale application instance to be retained. Defaults to 7 days. Expressed in duration. |
Stale Task Age | staleTaskAge |
Maximum time for which metadata for a finished task is retained on the cluster. Defaults to 2 days. Expressed in duration. |
Event Storage Duration | maxEventsStorageDuration |
Maximum time for which cluster events are retained on the cluster. Defaults to 1 hour. Expressed in duration. |
Default Operation Timeout | clusterOpTimeout |
Timeout for operations that are initiated by drove itself. For example, instance spin up in case of executor failure, instance migrations etc. Defaults to 5 minutes. Expressed in duration. |
Operation threads | clusterOpParallelism |
Signified the parallelism for operations internal to the cluster. Defaults to: 1. Range: 1-32. |
Audited Methods | auditedHttpMethods |
Drove prints an audit log with user details when an api is called by an user. Defaults to ["POST", "PUT"] . |
Allowed mount directories | allowedMountDirs |
If provided, Drove will ensure that application and task spec can mount only the directories mentioned in this set on executor host. |
Disable read-only auth | disableReadAuth |
When userAuth is enabled, setting this option, will enforce authorization only on write operations. |
Disable command line arguments | disableCmdlArgs |
When set to true , passing command line arguments will be disabled. Default: false (users can pass arguments. |
staleCheckInterval: 5m
staleAppAge: 2d
maxStaleInstancesCount: 20
staleInstanceAge: 1d
staleTaskAge: 2d
maxEventsStorageDuration: 30m
clusterOpParallelism: 32
- /mnt/scratch
Stale data cleanup¶
In order to keep internal memory footprint low, reduce the amount of data stored on Zookeeper, and provide a faster experience on the UI,Drove keeps cleaning up data for stale applications, application instances, task instances and cluster events.
The retention for such metadata can be controlled using the following config options:
Configuration changes done to these parameters will have direct impact on memory usage by the controller and memory and disk utilization on the Zookeeper cluster.
Internal Operations¶
Drove may need to create and issue operations on applications and tasks to manage cluster stability, for maintenance and other reasons. The following parameters can be used to control the speed and parallelism of such operations:
The default value of 1
for the clusterOpParallelism
parameter is generally too low for most clusters. Unless there is a specific problem, it would be advisable to set this to at least 4. If number of instances is quite high for applications (order of tens or hundreds), feel free to set this to 32.
will make recovery faster in case of executor failures, but it will increase cpu utilization on the controller by a little bit.
Security related options¶
The auditedHttpMethods
parameter contains a list of all HTTP methods that need to be audited. This means that if the auditedHttpMethods
contains POST
and PUT
, any drove HTTP POST or PUT apis being called will lead to a audit in the controller logs with the details of the user that made the call.
It would be advisable to not add GET
to the list. This is because the UI keeps making calls to GET
apis on drove to fetch data to render. These calls are automated and happen every few seconds from the browser. This will blow up controller logs size.
The allowedMountDirs
option whitelists only some directories to be mounted on containers. If this is not provided, containers will be able to mount any directory on the executors.
It is highly recommended to set allowedMountDirs
to a designated directory that containers might want to use as scratch space if needed. Keeping this empty will almost definitely cause security issues in the long run.
Relevant directories¶
Location for data and logs are as follows:
- Configuration files/var/log/drove/controller/
- Logs
We shall be volume mounting the config and log directories with the same name.
Prerequisite Setup
If not done already, please complete the prerequisite setup on all machines earmarked for the cluster.
Setup the config file¶
Create a relevant configuration file in /etc/drove/controller/controller.yml
- type: http
port: 10000
- type: http
port: 10001
- type: file
timeZone: IST
currentLogFilename: /var/log/drove/controller/drove-controller-access.log
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/drove/controller/drove-controller-access.log-%d-%i
archivedFileCount: 3
maxFileSize: 100MiB
level: INFO
com.phonepe.drove: INFO
- type: file
threshold: ALL
timeZone: IST
currentLogFilename: /var/log/drove/controller/drove-controller.log
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/drove/controller/drove-controller.log-%d-%i
archivedFileCount: 3
maxFileSize: 100MiB
logFormat: "%(%-5level) [%date] [%logger{0} - %X{appId}] %message%n"
connectionString: ""
- nodeType: CONTROLLER
secret: "0v8XvJrDc7r86ZY1QCByPTDPninI4Xii"
- nodeType: EXECUTOR
secret: "pOd9sIEXhv0wrGOVc7ebwNvR7twZqyTN"
enabled: true
encoding: CRYPT
- username: admin
password: "$2y$10$pfGnPkYrJEGzasvVNPjRu.IJldV9TDa0Vh.u1UdimILWDuhvapc2O"
- username: guest
password: "$2y$10$uCJ7WxIvd13C.1oOTs28p.xpJShGiTWuDLY/sGH9JE8nrkSGBFkc6"
secret: "bd2SIgz9OMPG2L8wA6zxj21oLVLbuLFC"
maxStaleInstancesCount: 3
staleCheckInterval: 1m
staleAppAge: 2d
staleInstanceAge: 1d
staleTaskAge: 1d
clusterOpParallelism: 4
- /dev/null
Setup required environment variables¶
Environment variables need to run the drove controller are setup in /etc/drove/controller/controller.env
JAVA_OPTS="-Xlog:gc:/var/log/drove/controller/gc.log -Xlog:gc:::filecount=3,filesize=10M -Xlog:gc::time,level,tags -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Djute.maxbuffer=0x9fffff"
Create systemd file¶
Create a systemd
file. Put the following in /etc/systemd/system/drove.controller.service
Description=Drove Controller Service
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker pull
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run \
--env-file /etc/drove/controller/controller.env \
--volume /etc/drove/controller:/etc/drove/controller:ro \
--volume /var/log/drove/controller:/var/log/drove/controller \
--publish 10000:10000 \
--publish 10001:10001 \
--hostname %H \
--rm \
--name drove.controller \
Verify the file with the following command:
systemd-analyze verify drove.controller.service
Set permissions
chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/drove.controller.service
Start the service on all servers¶
Use the following to start the service:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable drove.controller
systemctl start drove.controller
You can tail the logs at /var/log/drove/controller/drove-controller.log
The console would be available at http://<ip>:10000
and admin functionality will be available on http://<ip>:10001
according to the above config.
Health checks can be performed by running a curl as follows:
curl http://localhost:10001/healthcheck
- The healthcheck check api is available on
port. - HTTP status is 200/OK if things are fine.
Once controllers are up, one of them will become the leader. You can check the leader by running the following command:
curl http://<ip>:10000/apis/v1/ping
Only on the leader you should get the following response along with a HTTP status 200/OK: