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Getting Started

To get a trivial cluster up and running on a machine, the compose file can be used.

Update etc hosts to interact wih nginx

Add the following lines to /etc/hosts   drove.local   testapp.local

Download the compose file


Bringing up a demo cluster

cd compose
docker-compose up
This will start zookeeper,drove controller, executor and nginx/drove-gateway. The following ports are used:

  • Zookeeper - 2181
  • Executor - 3000
  • Controller - 4000
  • Gateway - 7000

Drove credentials would be admin/admin and guest/guest for read-write and read-only permissions respectively.

You should be able to access the UI at http://drove.local:7000

Install drove-cli

Install the CLI for drove

pip install drove-cli

Create Client Configuration

Put the following in ${HOME}/.drove

endpoint = http://drove.local:4000
username = admin
password = admin

Deploy an app

Get the sample app spec:


Now deploy the app.

drove -c local apps create test_app.json

Scale the app

drove -c local apps scale TEST_APP-1 1 -w
This would expose the app as testapp.local. Endpoint would be: http://testapp.local:7000.

You can test the app by running the following commands:

curl http://testapp.local:7000/
curl http://testapp.local:7000/files/drove.txt

Suspend and destroy the app

drove -c local apps scale TEST_APP-1 0 -w
drove -c local apps destroy TEST_APP-1

Accessing the code

Code is hosted on github.

Cloning everything:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update