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Setting up the prerequisites

On all machines on the drove cluster, we would want to use the same user and have a consistent storage structure for configuration, logs etc.


All commands o be issues as root. To get to admin/root mode issue the following command:

sudo su

Setting up user

We shall create an user called drove to be used to run all services and containers and assign the file ownership to this user.

adduser --system --group "drove" --home /var/lib/misc --no-create-home > /dev/null
We want to user to be able to run docker containers, so we add the user to the docker group:

groupadd docker
usermod -aG docker drove

Create directories

We shall use the following locations to store configurations, logs etc:

  • /etc/drove/... - for configuration
  • /var/log/drove/.. - for all logs

We go ahead and create these locations and setup the correct permissions:

mkdir -p /etc/drove
chown -R drove.drove /etc/drove
chmod 700 /etc/drove
chmod g+s /etc/drove

mkdir -p /var/lib/drove
chown -R drove.drove /var/lib/drove
chmod 700 /var/lib/drove

mkdir -p /var/log/drove


Ensure you run the chmod commands to remove read access everyone other than the owner.